Just because #coronavirus has caused many of us to stay home, that doesn’t mean you can't access counseling sessions with your #therapist.
Here's what you need to know about how our Telehealth System works
Sessions are still 100% confidential. We use a secure, HIPAA compliant system through #SimplePractice to provide online accessibility to our clients.
When you book a virtual session, the link for your appointment will be sent to you either via text or email (depending on your appointment reminder preferences)
You can book a video session by going to our website and clicking the CLIENT PORTAL button in the right hand corner. From there, select NEW CLIENT if it’s your first time scheduling, or EXISTING CLIENT if we’ve worked together before. Then you can pick your therapist, and select VIDEO office, and the service you scheduling. You will be able to see our schedules and pick the time that works best for you. And then viola! you’re all set!
What do you need for an online session?
Headphones with a microphone. This helps you hear us better and ensures another layer of privacy.
A quiet, private place. We want our session to be just like when you’re in the office. So a private place in your home ensures your confidentiality.
A good internet connection.
A computer with a webcam OR an apple or android device. If you’re using a mobile device, you can download the “telehealth” app. If you are using the app, just copy and paste your appointment link and you’ll be all set!
Still have questions? Give us a call or email us! We’re happy to help! (914) 222-3983 / support@peacefullivingmhc.com
Ready to get started? Click here to schedule your appointment!
About the Author

Dana Carretta-Stein is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and founder of Peaceful Living Mental Health Counseling, PLLC, and Carretta Consulting in Scarsdale, NY.
She specializes in clinical psychotherapy to treat children, adolescents and adults with anxiety, behavior and trauma difficulties. She is a certified EMDR therapist, consultant in training, and Regional Coordinator of the Westchester EMDR Regional Network.
Dana is also a business coach for wellness practitioners who are looking to build and grow their private practice. For more information, visit dana.carretta.com
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