Photo Credit: Choosemuse.com
What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a way to train your brain using EEG technology. Our therapists use Muse, a meditation training headband. This device actually helps you learn how to meditate, even if you're convinced that you can't, by giving you real-time feedback on your progress. This actually helps change the way your brain is wired!
We also use the Muse headband as part of the EMDR process, to promote feelings of calm and stabilization before we get into the more difficult trauma work.
Clients that wish to purchase their own headband to use outside of our sessions can receive 15% by clicking the link below.
Disclaimer: while we do receive a small commission for this affiliate link, we would recommend the muse headband regardless because we really use it and love it!
Can Neurofeedback help me?
headaches and migraines
not knowing how to relax
constant stress
chronic inflammation
difficulty concentrating
panic attacks
history of trauma
blocks to your creativity