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How Does Trauma Impact Our Perception of the World?


Our understanding and memory aren't just about what we see, hear, taste, smell, and touch. Other senses like knowing where our body is (proprioception), feeling what's happening inside us (interoception), and sensing danger without realizing it (neuroception) also play big roles. These senses affect how we see the world and remember things, especially when we've been through tough times.


This is about knowing where our body is and how it moves. When we do things, our muscles and joints tell our brain what's happening. For example, when we learn to ride a bike, it's not just about remembering how it looks—it's also about feeling the balance and adjusting our body. Sometimes, if something bad happens, we might feel disconnected from our body, have trouble feeling pain or hunger, or feel off-balance.


This is about how our emotions and physical feelings mix together. Like when our heart races on a roller coaster, we link that feeling with the excitement of the ride. If something bad happens, we might have trouble understanding our emotions, feel physical symptoms without knowing why, or not realize when we're hungry or tired.


This is about our brain sensing if something's safe or dangerous without us realizing it. So, if something scary happens, our brain might remember it really well, making us feel anxious even in safe situations. This can make us always on edge, get sudden intense feelings from past events, or find it hard to feel safe.

Understanding these senses helps in healing from trauma. Therapies like EMDR, sensorimotor psychotherapy, and somatic experiencing help our body and mind recover from trauma by focusing on these senses. Also, simple things like mindfulness or yoga can help reconnect with these senses, making it easier to manage emotions and feel better. When these methods are used thoughtfully and adjusted for each person, they can be powerful tools for healing and finding balance again.


About our Scarsdale EMDR Therapist Sean O'Connor

Westchester county male therapist

Sean O'Connor is a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) and child therapist at Peaceful Living Mental Health Counseling in Scarsdale, NY.


Sean specializes in sports psychology and trauma informed counseling to helps kids, adults and athletes overcome anger, depression, anxiety, PTSD and stress.

Sean loves working with kids, teens and athletes to help them feel seen and understood and teach them invaluable coping skills. 

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